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Sam Koshy ARN NO :5727 KOLLAM, 16 Jan 2015

But, the unwillingness of some established fund houses to offer a higher trial only model to those honest advisors who want to move in a positive direction i.e. Fee + a higher Trail only model is hurting the Mutual Fund industry.[____]DSP Blackrock Mutual Fund could help assist this movement towards positiveness of a Fee+a higher Trail only model by paying 1% trail to even the smallest of distributors in T-15 and 1.75% Trail to B-15 advisors.

Sam Koshy ARN NO :5727 KOLLAM, 16 Jan 2015

Given the fact that the practitioners of only fee based model (without any distribution income of any sort from companies that either are in their name or in the name of their associates) are almost non-existent in the country, we can be sure that for only fee based model to be practicable even in urban areas( leave aside the semi urban and rural areas which the research seems to have ignored while taking the sample) it may take decades.[___]The best alternative would be to take some part of remuneration as fee while having the client pay (though indirectly) through only trail commissions in which there is no conflict of interest.