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Client Alley ARN NO :ARN-90531 Dehradun, 24 Jul 2015

It makes sense to do an emotional planning with Retirement Wealth planning,it can make you more connected with client and thus can turn into a better relationship . but make sure you dont end up in delaying his retirement planning by bombarding him with such grilling questions. it has to be a balanced approach if we get more involved in handling his emotional instinct 1) client might get lost and confused. 2) Execution of wealth planning might get delayed/postponed o 3) client might not like too much of interference in his personal life. From a Wealth managers perspective sensitize him to secure it purely from a financial angle after collecting all the required inputs from his side once it is done and finalized then you can dive deep into it.

SrinivasanTS-CFP ARN NO :WealMan Associates Bengaluru, 24 Apr 2015

Very well articulated and presented .Its important that there is an emotional connect" first with the Prospect who knows he/she will retire some day ,but no clarity on the Retirement implications be it Psychological,Emotional, Physical, Financial. This is where, we all can be more sensitive and have these Conversations !! Great !! TSSr