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Advanced Wealth Management Course (IIBF) - Paper 3
Part II:Ch 6: Call Money Markets
Borrowing for Scheduled Commercial banks fortnightly average outstanding not more than _________ of capital funds (Tier I + Tier II) as per latest audited balance sheet.
Single day borrowing for Scheduled Commercial banks can however go upto __________ of capital funds.
Lending for Scheduled Commercial banks fortnightly average outstanding not more than ______________ of capital funds.
Single day lending for Scheduled Commercial banks can however go upto ____________ of capital funds.
Borrowings for Co-operative Banks on any day, not more than _________ of aggregate deposits as at end of March of previous financial year.
Borrowing for Primary Dealers fortnightly average outstanding not more than _________ of net owned funds as at end of March of previous financial year.
Lending for Primary Dealers fortnightly average outstanding of not more than ________ of net owned funds.
The call market enables the banks and institutions to even out their day to day deficits and surpluses of money.

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